OPTIMADE provider "novel materials discovery (NOMAD)" (id: nmd
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General information
Short description: A FAIR data sharing platform for materials science data
Project homepage: https://nomad-lab.eu
Index Meta-Database URL:
Number of structures: 12,116,021
Detailed information
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Databases served by this provider
novel materials discovery (NOMAD) (
nmd, default sub-database
A FAIR data sharing platform for materials science dataProperties served by this database:
By entry type (click to expand):-
- The full list of standard OPTIMADE properties.
- The full list of standard OPTIMADE properties.
Description: The url to the NOMAD archive json of this structure.
Type: string
Description: The atom labels of all atoms of the entry's material
Type: list
Description: A raw file content based checksum/hash
Type: string
Description: A persistent and globally unique identifier for the entry
Type: string
Description: A user provided comment for this entry
Type: string
Description: The used basis set functions.
Type: string
Description: The name of the used code.
Type: string
Description: The version of the used code.
Type: string
Description: The compound type of the simulated system.
Type: string
Description: The crystal system type of the simulated system.
Type: string
Description: Hashes for each simulated geometry
Type: list
Description: Hashes that describe unique geometries simulated by this code run.
Type: string
Description: The label as a string
Type: string
Description: The source that this label was taken from.
Type: string
Description: Springer classification by property.
Type: list
Description: Springer compund classification.
Type: list
Description: The type of the label
Type: string
Description: Number of single configuration calculation sections
Type: integer
Description: Number of unique geometries.
Type: integer
Description: Number of metainfo quantities parsed from the entry.
Type: integer
Description: Number of total energy calculations
Type: integer
Description: All quantities that are used by this entry.
Type: list
Description: All quantities with existence filters in the search GUI.
Type: list
Description: The spacegroup of the simulated system as number.
Type: integer
Description: The spacegroup as international short symbol.
Type: string
Description: The system type of the simulated system.
Type: string
Description: Order of the calculated elastic constants.
Type: integer
Description: Indicates if structure is mechanically stable from the calculated values of the elastic constants.
Type: boolean
Description: The difference in the energy between the last two steps during optimization.
Type: float
Description: Indicates if calculation contains thermodynamic data.
Type: boolean
Description: Indicates if calculation includes trajectory data.
Type: boolean
Description: Density of the k-mesh for sampling.
Type: float
Description: Number of modes with imaginary frequencies.
Type: integer
Description: Identifies if Grueneisen parameters are calculated.
Type: boolean
Description: Identifies if non-analytical term corrections are applied to dynamical matrix.
Type: boolean
Description: The difference in the energy between the last two scf steps.
Type: float
Description: The type of calculation workflow. Can be one of geometry_optimization, elastic, phonon, molecular_dynamics, single_point.
Type: string
Description: The libXC based xc functional classification used in the simulation.
Type: string
Description: The list of libXC functional names that where used in this entry.
Type: list
Description: The material science domain
Type: string
Description: Defines the type of calculation that was detected for this entry.
Type: string
Description: The Bravais lattice type in the Pearson notation, where the first lowercase letter indicates the crystal system, and the second uppercase letter indicates the lattice type. The value can only be one of the 14 different Bravais lattices in three dimensions. Crystal system letters: a = Triclinic m = Monoclinic o = Orthorhombic t = Tetragonal h = Hexagonal and Trigonal c = Cubic Lattice type letters: P = Primitive S (A, B, C) = One side/face centred I = Body centered R = Rhombohedral centring F = All faces centred
Type: string
Description: The detected crystal system. One of seven possibilities in three dimensions.
Type: string
Description: Whether the material has any Wyckoff sites with free parameters. If a materials has free Wyckoff parameters, at least some of the atoms are not bound to a particular location in the structure but are allowed to move with possible restrictions set by the symmetry.
Type: boolean
Description: Point group in Hermann-Mauguin notation, part of crystal structure classification. There are 32 point groups in three dimensional space.
Type: string
Description: International short symbol notation of the space group.
Type: string
Description: Integer representation of the space group, part of crystal structure classification, part of material definition.
Type: integer
Description: The prototypical material for this crystal structure.
Type: string
Description: Classification according to known structure type, considering the point group of the crystal and the occupations with different atom types.
Type: string
Description: Classification of the material according to the historically grown "strukturbericht".
Type: string
Description: Formula giving the composition and occurrences of the elements in the Hill notation. For periodic materials the formula is calculated fom the primitive unit cell.
Type: string
Description: Formula giving the composition and occurrences of the elements in the Hill notation where the number of occurences have been divided by the greatest common divisor.
Type: string
Description: Volume of the idealized cell. The cell volume can only be reported consistently after idealization and may not perfectly correspond to the original simulation cell.
Type: float
Description: Length of the first basis vector.
Type: float
Description: Angle between second and third basis vector.
Type: float
Description: Length of the second basis vector.
Type: float
Description: Angle between first and third basis vector.
Type: float
Description: Length of the third basis vector.
Type: float
Description: Angle between first and second basis vector.
Type: float
Description: A fixed length, unique material identifier in the form of a hash digest.
Type: string
Description: Most meaningful name for a material if one could be assigned
Type: string
Description: "Broad structural classification for the material, e.g. bulk, 2D, 1D... ",
Type: string
Description: The formula separated into individual terms containing only unique atom species. Used for searching materials containing specific elements.
Type: string
Description: The formula separated into individual terms containing both the atom type and count. Used for searching parts of a formula.
Type: string
Description: How the core electrons are described.
Type: string
Description: Full identified for the used exchange-correlation functional.
Type: string
Description: Basic type of the used exchange-correlation functional.
Type: string
Description: A fixed length, unique identifier for equation-of-state calculations. Only calculations within the same upload and with a method hash available will be grouped under the same hash.
Type: string
Description: A fixed length, unique identifier for calculations where structure is identical but the used computational parameters are varied. Only calculations within the same upload and with a method hash available will be grouped under the same hash.
Type: string
Description: Generic name for the used methodology.
Type: string
Description: Atomic density of the material (atoms/volume)."
Type: float
Description: Band gap value. If multiple spin channels are present, this value is taken from the channel with smallest band gap value.
Type: float
Description: Whether band gap is direct or not. If multiple spin channels are present, this value is taken from the channel with smallest band gap value.
Type: boolean
Description: Free energy.
Type: float
Description: Total energy.
Type: float
Description: Total energy projected to T=0.
Type: float
Description: Mass density of the material.
Type: float
Description: The final Encyclopedia processing status for this entry. The meaning of the status is as follows: | Status | Description | | -------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `"success"` | Processed successfully | | `"unsupported_material_type"` | The detected material type is currently not supported by the Encyclopedia. | | `"unsupported_calculation_type"` | The detected calculation type is currently not supported by the Encyclopedia. | | `"invalid_metainfo"` | The entry could not be processed due to missing or invalid metainfo. | | `"failure"` | The entry could not be processed due to an unexpected exception. |
Type: string
Description: The url for the NOMAD gui entry page for this structure.
Type: string
Description: The repository or external database where the original data resides
Type: string
Description: A user provided external id. Usually the id for an entry in an external database where the data was imported from.
Type: string
Description: The paths to the files within the upload that belong to this entry. All files within the same directory as the entry's mainfile are considered the auxiliary files that belong to the entry.
Type: list
Description: A (reduced) chemical formula
Type: string
Description: The date and time the user metadata was edited last
Type: timestamp
Description: The datetime of the last processing
Type: timestamp
Description: The path to the mainfile from the root directory of the uploaded files
Type: string
Description: The path to the mainfile from the root directory of the uploaded files
Type: string
Description: The number of atoms in the entry's material
Type: integer
Description: The NOMAD commit used for the last processing
Type: string
Description: The NOMAD version used for the last processing
Type: string
Description: The atom labels concatenated in order-number order
Type: string
Description: A short human readable description of the entries origin. Usually it is the handle of an external database/repository or the name of the uploader.
Type: string
Description: The NOMAD parser used for the last processing
Type: string
Description: The paths to the files within the upload that belong to this entry. All files within the same directory as the entry's mainfile are considered the auxiliary files that belong to the entry.
Type: list
Description: The unique, sequentially enumerated, integer PID that was used in the legacy NOMAD CoE. It allows to resolve URLs of the old NOMAD CoE Repository.
Type: string
Description: Indicates that the entry is successfully processed.
Type: boolean
Description: Errors that occured during processing
Type: list
Description: Indicates if the entry is published
Type: boolean
Description: The url to download all calculation raw files as .zip file.
Type: string
Description: The code specific identifier extracted from the entrie's raw files if such an identifier is supported by the underlying code
Type: string
Description: User provided references (URLs) for this entry
Type: list
Description: The persistent and globally unique identifier for the upload of the entry
Type: string
Description: The user provided upload name
Type: string
Description: The date and time this entry was uploaded to nomad
Type: timestamp
Description: Indicated if this entry is under an embargo
Type: boolean
ValidationResults of validation Passed 28 / 31
❌ https://nomad-lab.eu/prod/rae/optimade/v1/info/structures
ValidationError: 2 validation errors for EntryInfoResponse
String should match pattern '^[a-z_][a-z_0-9]+$' [type=string_pattern_mismatch, input_value='_nmd_encyclopedia_proper...nergies_energy_total_T0', input_type=str]
For further information visit https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.9/v/string_pattern_mismatch
String should match pattern '^[a-z_][a-z_0-9]+$' [type=string_pattern_mismatch, input_value='_nmd_encyclopedia_proper...nergies_energy_total_T0', input_type=str]
For further information visit https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.9/v/string_pattern_mismatch
❌ https://nomad-lab.eu/prod/rae/optimade/v1/structures?page_limit=4&response_fields=elements_ratios,assemblies,nperiodic_dimensions,nelements,last_modified,lattice_vectors,dimension_types,nsites,cartesian_site_positions,species,chemical_formula_reduced,chemical_formula_hill,structure_features,elements,species_at_sites,chemical_formula_anonymous,chemical_formula_descriptive,immutable_id
ResponseError: No query was performed, but `data_returned` != `data_available` 12116021 vs 10000.
❌ https://nomad-lab.eu/prod/rae/optimade/v1
ResponseError: Unable to generate filters for endpoint structures: 'info/structures' response was malformed.