OPTIMADE provider "Material-Property-Descriptor Database" (id: mpdd
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General information
Short description: Material-Property-Descriptor Database (MPDD) of atomic structures. Optimized for the high-throughput deployment of material featurizers and ML models. Maintained by Phases Research Lab (phaseslab.org) at The Pennsylvania State University
Project homepage: https://www.phaseslab.com/mpdd
Index Meta-Database URL:
Number of structures: 4,457,640
Detailed information
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Databases served by this provider
Material-Property-Descriptor Database (
mpdd, default sub-database
Material-Property-Descriptor Database (MPDD) of atomic structures. Optimized for the high-throughput deployment of material featurizers and ML models. Maintained by Phases Research Lab (phaseslab.org) at The Pennsylvania State UniversityProperties served by this database:
By entry type (click to expand):-
- The full list of standard OPTIMADE properties.
- The full list of standard OPTIMADE properties.
Description: Anonymized formula following type AB2 / AB2C4 convention.
Type: string
Description: Volume per atom in AA^3
Type: float
Description: Crystal system/type.
Type: string
Description: Density of the atomic structure
Type: float
Description: A dictionary of arrays of features - feature vectors
Type: dictionary
Description: Formation energy of the structure in eV/atom predicted by Light Model from Krajewski 2020 SIPFENN models.
Type: float
Description: Formation energy of the structure in eV/atom predicted by Novel Materials Model from Krajewski 2020 SIPFENN models.
Type: float
Description: Formation energy of the structure in eV/atom predicted by Standard Materials Model from Krajewski 2020 SIPFENN models.
Type: float
Description: Mean mass per atom in atomic units
Type: float
Description: A dictionary of associated MPDD metadata including source of the atomic structure
Type: dictionary
Description: Point group symbol.
Type: string
Description: A direct access to the POSCAR file stored in a single string
Type: string
Description: Reduced mass average (geometric) over pairs of different elements (rather than the structure as a whole)
Type: float
Description: Reduced mass average (geometric) over pairs all atoms
Type: float
Description: Space group symbol.
Type: string
Description: Space group number.
Type: integer
Description: Predicted stability (convex hull distance) of the structure in eV/atom predicted by Novel Materials Model from Krajewski 2020 SIPFENN models. Note: It is dependent on the other structures in the database.
Type: float
Description: Chemical system with elements delimited by - and ordered alphabetically.
Type: string
Description: Volume of the atomic structure in AA^3
Type: float
ValidationResults of validation Passed 42 / 45
❌ http://mpddoptimade.phaseslab.org/v1/structures/mpdd-6074fc83b003796270e6f785?response_fields=lattice_vectors,chemical_formula_descriptive,elements_ratios,species_at_sites,chemical_formula_reduced,chemical_formula_anonymous,species,immutable_id,nelements,chemical_formula_hill,elements,cartesian_site_positions,nsites,structure_features,nperiodic_dimensions,assemblies,last_modified,dimension_types
ResponseError: Request to 'structures/mpdd-6074fc83b003796270e6f785?response_fields=lattice_vectors,chemical_formula_descriptive,elements_ratios,species_at_sites,chemical_formula_reduced,chemical_formula_anonymous,species,immutable_id,nelements,chemical_formula_hill,elements,cartesian_site_positions,nsites,structure_features,nperiodic_dimensions,assemblies,last_modified,dimension_types' returned HTTP status code 500.
Additional details from implementation:
RequestValidationError: [{'loc': ('query', 'email_address'), 'msg': 'value is not a valid email address', 'type': 'value_error.email'}] (N/A)
❌ http://mpddoptimade.phaseslab.org/v1/structures?filter=_crazyprovider_field=2
ResponseError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='mpddoptimade.phaseslab.org', port=80): Read timed out. (read timeout=100)
❌ http://mpddoptimade.phaseslab.org/v1/structures?filter=_crazyprovider_field=2
ResponseError: Failed to handle field from unknown provider; should return without affecting filter results